Saturday, 16 June 2012

Totally Rode an Elephant Today!

Today we woke up, ate breakfast, and then headed out to see a temple that was built by King Chola over 1,000 years ago!! It was absolutely breathtaking!  The entire thing is built solely of granite with no concrete or mortar.  The carvings on the temple are super intricate, and each one is different.  The temple itself is over 13 stories high, and was assembled over just 4.5 years! Such an incredible feat for so long ago. 

The temple was designed by over 300 artisans, and was intended to portray the miniscule size of humans in comparison to the deities, and I do have to say that one feels very, very small in comparison when face-to-face!  We walked around the entire thing barefoot, and also participated in a prayer for all of the veterinarians and animals in the world.  Pretty fitting I thought!
When we had wrapped up our temple sightseeing and were headed out we got the chance to ride an elephant!! I couldn’t pass it up, and hopped right up! It was an amazing view, and I can’t wait to do it again on our trip in Mudumulai!!!  All in all, it was nice to have a day to act like a tourist, and see what all India has to offer!  Now we are back at the hostel after quite a bumpy bus ride home, and I’m doing laundry, cleaning, and learning to play cricket today!! Should be fun! 

Here is me riding the elephant!!! So cool!!!
Oh! And although you are sleeping right now, Dad, I know it’s Father’s Day , so HAPPY FATHER’S DAY DADDIO!! I LOVE YOU!!!

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