Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Flights That Never End...

Well everybody, here I go. I’m off to Chennai, India to study at TANUVAS Veterinary College.  It would be just like me to travel internationally for the first time to a place that is 10,000 miles, or half of a world, away from everything that I’m familiar with.  I do have to say, however, that although it is scary, it is extremely fulfilling at the same time to think that I can survive on my own, without any help from mom and dad, in a place that is completely foreign to my entire nature.  I guess you could say that I’m living a primal urge for independence or something, who knows?

Yesterday, June 4th, 2012 was D-Day.  I showed up at the airport with my mom, dad, and boyfriend Eric around 3:30 p.m.  When I got into my parent’s Ford Escape and left my driveway it hit me that I would be on my own in about 45 minutes left to face the fear of not only travelling internationally, but travelling internationally alone.  Tears began to well in my eyes when I arrived at the airport, and said goodbye to the people that probably mean the absolute most to me in the entire world, but as I said goodbye and headed for security, I became excited and brave at the same time.

We left Detroit Metro Airport at 6:15 p.m. on a massive Delta jet.  Somehow I always become subconsciously nervous when flying, and am not able to sleep.  Instead I turn into a restless ball of energy, however this leg of the flight I was able to keep my anxiety subdued.  I read my kindle, watched TV, completed a Sudoku puzzle, and walked around.  The first meal we were served was really good.  It was chicken with some sort of sauce, salad, a roll, cheese and crackers (they serve those with pretty much every meal on a flight I’ve come to realize), and a brownie.  After I finished eating that at an extremely slow rate of speed because I’m trying to learn to eat right handed (apparently the left hand to which I am most familiar is only used for bodily functions in India), I felt as if no time had passed and breakfast was being served.  That meal was not as good as the first, but breakfast is never my favorite meal of the day anyway.

Shortly after finishing my frozen banana and orange juice, and tossing the questionable southwestern style egg mcmuffin we arrived in Amsterdam.  The landing was smooth, and our layover went quickly.  Before I knew it we were on yet another jet to Delhi, India.  It was an ok flight, however my seat partners were not the most ideal, there was a screaming child for the first hour, and there happened to be an 8 year old soccer player behind my seat.  Needless to say, I was happy when we arrived safely.  Our next part of our journey included a 10 hour layover in Delhi before boarding a plane to our final destination in Chennai.  Right now as I write, the time here is 3:32 a.m., and the time back at home is 6:02 p.m. Truth is, I haven’t slept in over 24 hours, I’m not tired, I’m excited as heck, and I can’t wait to get started working.  We will see how I feel tomorrow when the jet lag sets in, but for right now, I’m feeling great!

I’m also really enjoying making new friends. Everybody that I am on the trip with seems to be really awesome, and I think we are going to have a great 6 weeks.  After playing Taboo for 3 hours in an Indian airport at 2 in the morning, I can’t really think of a better bonding experience. 
Right now as I write this, I’m sitting in a lounge area shower thing that they have in this airport.  You pay 1,000 rupees (the equivalent of about 20 bucks), and you get 2 hours to take a really nice hot shower, and just relax.  It feels really good to be able to stretch my legs out and just sit in the quiet with no turbulence, and not a care in the world.  

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