Friday, 22 June 2012

Musta Been the Lime Juice...

Yesterday, 6/20/2012 was D-day.  All 6 of us got gastroenteritis.  It all started with Julia.  After lunch, we decided to go for some shopping.  When we were at the store, Julia vomited, poor thing.  Then, she continued to throw up all the way back to the hostel.  When we got home, Dr. MohanKumar had gone to get her some medicine, and then Pam started to not feel well.  She went down fast, and then Lindsay and Daryl went down simultaneously.  Carrie and I were feeling quite proud of ourselves, even bragging that we had stomachs of steel.  Then, my stomach started to turn.  Immediately I was in the bathroom projectiling everything that was in my gut.  Carrie held out until the morning, but then she went down the hardest of us all.  Today, we just laid around all day wallowing in our sickness, but we are feeling a little better now.  Dr. MohanKumar said that he hadn't felt well either, and that he thought it was the sweet lime juice we had drank at a restaurant the day before as that was the only common food between us all.  Hopefully that is the only sickness that we get!

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